by general.unknown_author

Sex With Massage

Apr 07, 2024

Sex with massage is simply that: a massage that includes consenting sex between two or more adults (aged 18 years and over). It’s one of the most sought-after types of massage, yet one shrouded with so much conspiracy and secrecy, and even, unfortunately, illegal in some countries.

Sexual urges are not unique to anyone, and we all experience them with varying intensity. There are many ways to relieve the urge, i.e., sex with a partner, masturbation, exercise… basically any activity that distracts you from the tension; it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexual release.

Sexual massages are a great way to deal with sexual urges and are recommended for anyone who can afford them.

Advantages of Massage With Sex

No Hassle Sex:

Sexual urges come to us from the woodwork when we least expect them, and sometimes suppressing them isn’t an option. I mean, why suppress them? It makes sense to just express them, right? It’s a common myth that sex with massage is reserved for lonely people with no life, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re partnered up, you have to get your partner on board and come up with a whole mating ritual to get them interested too. If you’re single, you may find yourself contacting old acquaintances, downloading dating apps, which is clearly too much hassle.

The solution? A sex massage! Yes. Don’t feel weird or dirty about it, a simple sex massage does it, and you can go about your day as usual. Check out our list of on-call massage therapists near you.

Sex Massage Allows You to Be Selfish:

Sex, as God designed it, is meant to be a shared experience between two people, and yes, it’s best enjoyed that way, aka, lovemaking, but again, this isn’t always the case, don’t you think? Sex is mostly selfish; you have it because you want to feel good, the people you seek out are mostly a means to an end. Getting a professional massage with sex is the best way to have the best selfish sex. Want to be touched a certain way, done? Want to try out something your partner wouldn’t? Done. I mean, it’s impossible to know what turns everybody on, and we will definitely be doing an episode with the Masseses’s to find out and at least try to document the very man kinks of the Kenyan population. 

But yes, getting a sex massage is the best way to have selfish sex. Sex the way you want it, when you want it.
Start exploring.

Is it Safe to Have Sex with Massage?

Yes, it is.

Sex with massage gets a bad name due to the bad reporting that’s been hammered to us ever since. Anytime we make the news, it’s always about trafficking, women being mistreated or killed, children being exploited… And while this does happen, 96% of sex massage providers work without incident. Such reporting and unfair illegalizing of the trade make the ‘bad guys’ get into the business, and they bring their bad business practices with them too.

So, yes, with us, you are safe. Sex is a natural act, and we should have it, a lot of it; our bodies are to be explored. It doesn’t make any sense to stigmatize it, none at all, and you shouldn’t feel bad or any different from expressing your sexual self, be it with your partner or through a massage expert. 


However, to be safe; 

 Here are a few tips when looking for massage with sex providers: 

What is their digital presence like? Is their profile set up in a nice and appealing way? What about their description? Is it clear? A professional sex massage therapist’s profile will be assertive; this is a sign you are dealing with a professional.

What’s the phone experience like? Again, sex massage providers like going straight to the point; if you feel any sort of vagueness, i.e., they’re not sure about how the meet should go, you’re better off finding a different provider. 

Go with your gut. You’re horny, but reserve some blood for your brain to function properly so you don’t get taken for a ride. We do vet everyone who lists with us, but better safe than sorry!

Lastly, don’t book what you can’t afford!  Please, I beg you.

Have a great time!

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